Girlies at The Gardens

1:58:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello, this is my gorgeous pet sister, Daphne.  

What two girls would do for an outing? We usually sing karaoke, go shopping trips, but as you age, you just want to have a good moment catching up. 

We headed to Sunway Pyramid not knowing where we should go, so we ended up in The Gardens Cafe. Those who went, I still don't think the food is yummylicious enough to scream about, but the decor is so...gardenish. We choose a spot with a swing behind the "hedges".

So we ordered 3 cakes, the water was complimentary. A chocolate fudge cake, a new york cheesecake ( I HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND, tasted like cheesedale cheese being inserted), a nut torte. The nut was the best!

Upon sitting down and finishing our "cakes", then we realized, Delicious had a Hi-tea set for the afternoon. Nevermind, next time we hangout we will definitely go there. These cakes were RM 31.90 altogether. 

And so we selfie!!! She bought a samsung camera and I was impressed by it. Made me even more happy as a samsung supporter. 

Then we went shopping. Personally, I wasn't impressed by this season's fashion. Nothing really all that fancy or appealing. I tried on this Miss Selfridge silver sequined mermaid dress. * Gasp * the price is already above RM 600 ya. I dare not even look at the price tag. :P

I quite like this piece from Forever 21, just that I didn't like how the side view looked. It does not do justice to a curvy body with a waist. Totally hides your waist. This shot was the only one that I felt the dress looks alright in. But nobody would stare at you normally from this angle.

Especially if you are seeing me eye-to-eye. I am standing at 168 cm. 

Still continuing my CNY shopping then. Tomorrow is a public holiday for Malaysia! Weeeeee!!!! 

Below is taken by the dual camera-view from my Samsung S4. I am still finding out its potential. 


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