Extremely Chocolatey Cookies ( literally )

12:01:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I fell in love!

Here's my recent addiction that I've added to my chocolate list of love (hearts flying all over this precious list)

Fox's Chunkie - Extremely Chocolatey Cookie and a hot cuppa of Sabah Tea
Fox's Chunkie - Extremely Chocolatey Cookies

It is an awesome recipe of wholesome tasting cookie that isn't too sweet, but the chunk of chocolate chips and the coating of chocolate layer at the bottom of each cookie is what stole my gastronomical taste buds away.

I am a sweet tooth, but not a huge fan for super sweet stuff (cause I tend to feel like vomiting soon after) . This however has some hidden recipes since it wasn't just a plain cookie dough. It is a fluffy aired cookie, not extremely crunchy kinds, and what you get on each cookie? A generous amount of chocolate chunks. I'd say the chocolate portion fills up to 50% of a cookie weight.


(munches the whole lot of cookies away)


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